Day to day
Marriage & Motherhood
My husband and I have been married for 11 years. After both having endured trauma in our past and ugly relationships, we both were in a season of fully pursuing God when we met. When we began dating it was after feeling drawn to each other and we dated with extreme intentionality. Neither of us had room in our lives to waste time. We were married a year late and have been going strong ever since. We know that we don’t complete each other, but that God is our completor. We feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to journey through this life together.
Our marriage has been a constant pursuit of God and all that he has for us. We added our Daughter Charlize to the family after 8 years of marriage and enjoyed being a family of three before having our son. My husband and I were extremely focused in our first 8 years of marriage so that we could prepare financially for having children. Because of that, I have been able to walk away from traditional employment to raise my children, be their primary influence as well as pursue my passions. Our deepest desire for our children is that by our example we can show them how fruitful life can be when you live in radical obedience to the purpose of Christ
for keeps
Ephesians 6:12
I was raised in a church-going home. My grandfather was a Baptist pastor and my grandmother was constantly hosting events for the church. We were more like Sunday attendees until my mom had a radical change at a charismatic church when I was in middle school. I was spirit-filled at the age of 13. I remember preparing my testimony to share with the church after camp. I shared my testimony in front of the main congregation and received a standing ovation. I thought at that moment that there might be something to this speaking in ministry thing, this might be for me. Then I endured an onslaught of personal attacks that would attempt to silence me.
Here I am today having survived those attacks on my destiny and having walked through extreme healing with the help of the holy spirit. My number one goal is to share my story with anyone willing to listen. I want to share not as some educated person trying to help them through knowledge but as a healed person helping them through the power of my testimony. I am not looking to become anyone’s hero, I am looking to point everyone to the hero. I am looking to be real, raw, and vulnerable with you all so that you know you are not alone.

just me
Exodus 4:12
God is within her
Just Kidding, but truthfully I have never desired to be described in some short paragraph. I feel to put yourself into some short summary pigeon holds you. I just want to be the type of woman that you can feel when I am near, and when I leave that absence is felt. Not just for who I am, but for what I brought to the atmosphere and how I made you feel. I crave to dive into the deep of others and to let people know that I am not afraid of their dark. I want people around me to feel seen, known, and loved solely for who they are.
I don’t sugarcoat things and I don’t hold back. I can be a lot for some people. So it is safe to say that I am definitely not for everyone. But I also am a firm believer that the enemy would try and keep you from me because he has knowledge that those around me get direct exposure to the light and love of christ. I bare my soul to drip light onto others, so that their healing can take place and their potential can be illuminated. I have a passion for people and seeing them set free, after all that is the reason I myself have been made free.