Hello Darling, this page is dedicated to you and all your glory. Because you have just that, Glory and I want you to know that. More than that, I need you to know it because me knowing that about myself has made all of the difference. So here is where you can learn of the Journey with myself. I want to inspire you to begin courting yourself and ultimately I want you to fall in love with you.
I also want you to join me this year, the last year of my 20’s in a challenge to myself. I will be doing a list of 30 things that I must get done before I turn 30. I have 365 days…. Until I turn 30 and I want those days to be filled with new things & challenges that get me out of my comfort zone. Hopefully this will inspire you to challenge yourself to step out of the box that you have put yourself in and try some new things.
Maybe you have more time than me, so make a 30 before 30 and make it more challenging with some bigger things to get accomplished. Maybe your over 30, so make a 40 before 40 or 70 before 70! Whatever it may be. Your welcome to steal some from my list or copy it entirely. As I do/ try these things I will document them and share them with you here on this page. 30 Before 30
Purchase a piece of Jewelry from Kendra Scott
Go camping
Volunteer at a community outreach
Dance in the Rain
Run a 5k
Go to a concert of ONE of your FAVORITES
Teach a Fashion/Make-up Class
Teach an etiquette class
Live poetry reading
Take my daughter to the beach
Tour KC in a private plane
Go Facebook Live
30 days of Thankfulness Video Challenge
Write gratitude letters
Leave a $100 tip on an inexpensive meal
Nature Hike
See a waterfall
Walk into a shop I have never been in and buy the first thing that catches my eye
Eat at a restaurant and have another person order for me
Take myself on a date
Reach a new fitness goal
Get lost on purpose
Write about all the things I have learned in my first 30 years
Write a Children’s picture book
Honduran sleepover
Take a trip to Dallas Texas
Explore a cave
Have a picnic at the WW1 museum
Visit & Document places that hold childhood memories
Go to a thai restaurant and order Thai HOT