Sin is finished
Any Christian can eradicate sin in their life by applying the principles of Sin is Finished because this book reveals what God has made available. Our Heavenly Father isn’t fixated on your sins or trying to force you into some kind of behavioral modification. Instead, he wants to teach you a new way of walking closely with him. Although you may have heard these biblical stories before, take a second look. It’s time to receive God’s grace, stop the cycle of failure, and learn how to live your life to the fullest.

about the author
Paige Loehr lives in Overland Park with her husband and two children. She and her husband have been business owners for over a decade and have been able to focus their lifestyle around their family. A relationship with God is the center of Paige’s life and because of that, she has seen healing in so many areas. So it is her joy to share that healing with others. She is passionate about helping people feel the freedom that she lives in every single day.